Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Boxed up and almost ready to go!!

Our house is in total dissaray these days and it is driving me crazy...just thought i would share a few pictures of my babies!! No matter how crazy our life may seem-they always bring a smile to my face!!


Tenille Rauls said...

Even if you are boxed up and ready I will never be ready for you to go! Love you~
I'm so glad we finally got the blog going for you!

Cortney said...

Hey Girly! Love the blog! Can't wait to keep up with you guys...hope your drive is completely uneventful!!!

Beth and Kevin said...

Hey! I saw your blog through Laura's and had to stop and say hello! Your babies are beautiful! Hope you guys have a wonderful stay in California - how exciting, and although I'm sure it may be a little scary, what a wonderful new adventure as a family of four! I'll be sure to add you guys to my blog list (www.kevinbethsam.blogspot.com) and check back often. Take care!
-Beth Bryant